2. When and why was the agency established.
The agency formed from a result of the Air Commerce Act of May 20 1926 . The agency was formed in the beginning solely for safety standard regulations and ensuring that pilots were certified. With Jet airliners becoming more and more popular and many numbers of airline collisions helped to sway the minds of congress when they passed the Federal Aviation Act of 1958. This act gave the FAA sole responsibility for making the safety standards.
3. What types on products or services does your agency regulate.
The FAA regulates airline saftey standards and ensures that pilots are certified and fit to fly.
4. Select one product or service that the agency regulates and analyze the impact of the agency's regulations on consumers and producers.
The agency regulates safety standards on airplanes and any airborne vehicle. The agency's impact on consumers and producers was that with higher safety standards people trusted the airline companies more and felt more free to fly without worry making the producers more money and it helped the consumers by ensuring their safety and making them feel more comfortable.